We want to thank all of you for submitting your votes for the 2024 Ron Gabriel Award. Congratulation to the winner, Ebbets Field: Great historic and memorable games from Brooklyn's lost ballpark -
Edited by Gregory H. Wolf and associate editors Len Levin, Bill Nowlin, and Carl Riechers.
The Ron Gabriel Award, given out by SABR’s Casey Stengel Chapter in New York, honors the author(s) of the best research, published or unpublished, on the subject of the Brooklyn Dodgers completed during the preceding calendar year. Eligible works include, but are not limited to -- magazine and journal articles, previously unpublished chapters or articles in anthologies or other books with multiple authors, unpublished research papers, written versions of oral presentations, books, databases and websites.
Ron Gabriel hosted the first SABR chapter meeting in November, 1974 in Chevy Chase, Maryland. He passed away in 2009
and SABR was a beneficiary of a generous donation from his estate. Ron was an avid Brooklyn Dodger fan who collected historical items related to the team.
The Ron Gabriel Award Committee is now looking for new committee members and accepting nominations for 2025. If you want to join the team or submit something, please contact Gary Sarnoff. [Evelyn Begley, Kevin Carter, Ernestine Miller]